SLiMS Bangladesh Country Coordinator wins TLT Young Excellence Innovation Award 2018

Nurul Alam recieving TLT Awards 2018


Mr. A K M Nurul Alam (Apu), Country Coordinator of SLiMS Bangladesh wins TLT Young Excellence Innovation Award 2018. He is working as Deputy Director at Bangladesh Bank Library, Motijheel, Dhaka and localization contributor of Open Source Library Management and Digitization Software – SLiMS (Senayan Library Management System). He has incorporated Bengali interface in SLiMS successfully and has brought our mother tongue in the international arena of open source library management software movement. Mr. Alam is also an active leader of automation and digitization of libraries and contributing to IT skills development of the library professionals in Bangladesh. That’s why the Executive Committee of Bangladesh Association of Librarians, Information Scientists and Documentalists (BALID) has nominated Mr. A K M Nurul Alam for TLT Young Innovative Awards 2018.

This modified post was originally published at The Librarian Times.